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What is Holi Festival? – The Top 10 questions on Google answered by our experts

Holi Festival 2020 – The Top 10 Questions on Google answered by our colour powder experts here at Care Fundraising Supplies

  1. What is Holi Festival? 
    Holi is a Hindu spring festival originally celebrated across India and Nepal.  As Hinduism has spread across the globe, so has the Holi Festival.  Also called the Festival of Colours, events are normally held around the start of March each year to celebrate the coming of spring.

  2. When is the Holi Festival in 2021?
    Holi Festival takes place March 29 2021.  Colourful events will take place globally around this time.  In 2022, it's on the 18th March

  3. Why is coloured powder used as part of the Holi Festival of Colours?  
    Maybe the clue is in the name?  Thought originally to be part of banishing away the winter blues and celebrating the start of spring, the throwing of coloured powder has become synonymous with Holi festivities.

  4. What is Holi coloured powder made from?
    Originally pigment made from natural plant-based dyes like turmeric was mixed with corn starch to create the dried colour powder.  Now a global phenomenon, the demand for coloured powder means that modern manufacturing processes have been introduced to meet stringent safety standards and vast quantities required.  We alone sold 60 tonnes of coloured powder in 2016.

  5. How do I make my own Holi powder?  
    There’s no secret recipe, it’s mainly corn starch and coloured dye!  However, recent times have brought about strict control over the production and use of Holi colour powder, especially for events held in the UK.

  6. What do I need to run a Holi event?
     The rule of thumb is anything colourful will work.  Remember we are blowing away the winter cobwebs here, so the brighter the better.  Alongside the obvious coloured powder, you could perhaps look at introducing some modern touches with neon sunglasses, tutus and leis?

  7. What colours can I get the coloured powder in?
    Traditionally the colours of powder were restricted to what could be produced with natural dyes.  With the introduction of modern manufacturing processes the range of available colours has grown to include pretty much every colour of the rainbow.  These days you can even get neon, UV, gold and silver coloured powder!  The choice really is endless.

  8. How do I clean coloured powder off my clothes?
    The straight forward answer is you can’t 100% guarantee clean clothes after attending a Holi colour powder event.  Perhaps wear clothes that you don’t mind a stain or two on?   Many people wear white t-shirts to colour powder events, and use their clothes as a blank canvas upon which they can paint with the coloured powder.

  9. Can you get coloured powder off the floor?  
    If you are running an event, it’s best to make sure you have a clean-up plan in place.  The powder will leave a temporary stain on surfaces, but it does disappear in time.  Mother nature is the best cleaner, with a good rain shower cleaning pretty much everything away.  Perhaps you could consider covering the floor with a plastic sheet where you think intensive colour throwing will take place?  We have also heard of event organisers hiring leaf blowers to collect together the bulk of the post event powder.

  10. Can I use the Holi colour powder inside?
    Remember you will need to clean up the mess, perhaps it’s best your coloured powder is thrown outside?  There are also doubts over the safety of some coloured powder brands when brought into contact with live electricity.  If in doubt, ask your supplier of coloured powder before you do anything.
Care Fundraising Supplies have been supplying safe coloured powder to Holi festival events and colour run fundraisers for over the last 5 years.  We have a guaranteed stock of  great coloured powder – available in bulk 20kg boxes and 100g individual bags.  To talk to our experts in coloured powder please call 01484 640800.